Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where Does the Time Go?

Yikes, it's been over a month since I posted. So much for keeping Reese informed about what was going on while we waited for her. It dawned on me that the wait may turn in to so many months that her biological parents may not know eachother yet! I am sure she is not even conceived. But God knows who she is and who she will be, so I will keep the faith that someday, our sweet Reese will join us for our Party of Five!

So, here's what's new...

I'll start with Tim since he's the head of the house! School is going fine for him, with the exception of one class that is full of kids who refuse to do any work (for example, they will write their name at the top of a worksheet and then turn it in, with out doing one question) and are mouthy, disrespectful and mean. He still hates his schedule, so hopefully someone will get it fixed for next year back to the way it was. Tim was nominated to be a deacon at our church and of course, he was voted in, so his service will start in January- I am so proud of him! I think he will enjoy being involved and serving SHCC using his talents!

Ryleigh started the enrichment class this week and so far it's going great! What an answer to prayer! Her teacher tells me funny stories about her all the time and said she is the most observant child she's ever had. She said that Ryleigh is constantly feeding her good info about what's going on! I am not the least bit surprised, she's been like that her whole life! She'll either be a detective or a gossip columnist when she grows up! She's doing great in basketball. We have lost all 3 games so far, but we have improved and I know we will catch up with the teams that already have a season or two under their belts already! She practiced last Sunday for a long time and challenged herself to once again make 100 baskets before we went inside. We need to work on her aggresiveness, but I think it will come with experience. I have been so happy with the team, they have all improved so much and it is so much fun! Ryleigh is doing well with her piano playing. She doesn't practice as much as she should, but it's mainly due to our busy schedules. It's great to finally hear her play songs we can recognize! Ryleigh made an adorable rock star girl on Halloween- very cool and full of moves!

Reagan is still our happy little bundle of energy! She passed all but 3 things on her first gymnastics evaluation and still loves every minute she is there. She has become good buddies with Patyn in her class and she comes over every Tuesday so her mommy can get stuff done. Reagan amazed her P.A.T. educator again this month! She was copying Gail's writing and she was doing things not normally done until 4 years old! She's so funny with her High School Musical notebook and pen, she writes and writes and writes. She knows about half of the letters now and all the ones she know she can tell you something that starts with that letter- her favorite's being of course, R for Reagan and M for mommy!!! She is constantly cracking me up with the things she says! She made the most adorable Snow White ever on Halloween. She has the perfect hair and sweet smile to be a princess! Tim even carved a pumpkin with Snow White on it!

Then there is me... still babysitting, still teaching Wednesday children's program at church- which is going so well! We are preparing for our Christmas program and it is going to be the best ever- the kids are working so hard and it's a really funny production. I am so proud of all the kids. I am still loving my Moms In Touch group. I feel so close to the women I pray with and I can feel God working in our lives and answering our prayers each week. My mom is still coming every Friday to watch all the kids so I can volunteer at Esther Elementary. It's such a nice break for me to sit and do busy work in the work room. I love it! I love being involved in Ryleigh's class, getting to know her teacher and the other kids. Coaching basketball takes up a chunk of my time, too, so I keep busy! However, I have found some free time to pursue a new career which I am extremely excited about! Our church is going to start a preschool/childcare program and I am going to be the director! It's something I have wanted to do for so long, but never knew how to get started, but I am taking a leap of faith and going for it! Our church is going to be adding on soon and it appears that now is the perfect time to start a small program that can grow as the church does. I worked some long hard hours on a plan to propose to the Board of Deacons and Elders and I presented it last Monday night. It was absolutely amazing the amount of support and excitement that there is for this project! I am so proud and anxious and excited and overwhelmed to be a part of something that is going to change this town! Reagan will be in the first class, just as I was the first class at the preschool my mom helped start! It was hard to tell the families that I babysit for, but they all know that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was meant for the job! I will be working with them to find a replacement for all the kids, I don't want just anyone to take care of these kiddos that feel partly mine! Hopefully they will all come to preschool at Bright Beginning at SHCC!

So, needless to say, we are all enjoying God's blessings and enjoying family life! The only thing missing is Reese. We got the Places Everyone email today and there are 58 log in dates before us. We are still in the "pending review" category. She'll be worth the wait and in the meantime we will keep chugging along on this road of life being happy with all we have already been blessed with.

I'm still working on the picture thing... sorry!

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